曾旭正(國家發展委員會副主任委員 / 國立臺灣大學土木研究所博士)
時間:4/28(六) 14:00-16:00
地點:高雄市立美術館地下一樓 演講廳
共想城市_HOME 2028
studio HOUxLIN’s House of Citizen 1.0 has divided into two parts, the back ground info and the decision making. The immersive experience to understand the current condition of the city brings viewers to a more common ground for next step. The latest technology, such as VR, helps to visualize the decision making and ponders the relationship between info and the public. This is space where people can meet and discuss the future of their city. Each “player” represents themselves, just like within our city, and states their view point. With this device, the communication between different parties has been empowered.
On 28th April, 2018, we will have a conversation with architect Yung-Hsiang Chen in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. Mr. Hsu-Cheng Tseng, deputy chairman of the National Development Council will be the host. We invite you to join us for the idea of the combination of urban design and video.
Dr. Hsu-Cheng Tseng (deputy chairman of the National Development Council / Doctor of Civil Engineering, NTU)
「House of Citizens 1.0」
Ching-Mou Hou-associate partner of studio HOUxLIN
Da-Cheng Weng-manager of BROGENT TECHNOLOGIES
Yung-Hsiang Chen-Founder of Atelier Buffalo
Dong-Xian Yang-General Manager of 晶泰水泥有限公司
Time: 28th April, 2018 2pm
Location:auditorium, B1F, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
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