Fabuary 19, 2019 Lecture|House of Citizen: Parametric Urban design
傳統都市設計以二維媒體作為介入城市的工具,但我們身處的建成環境(built environment)是三維空間,目前技術上的進步,讓快速建模、型塑空間成為可能。
2019 春 繼光講堂-都市理論設計與實踐
時間|2019. 2.27 週三 7:00PM
Director Wan-Jen Lin was invited to have a lecture in JK studio.
Traditional urban design uses two-dimensional media as a tool to intervene in the city, but the built environment we are in is a three-dimensional space. The current technological advancement makes it possible to quickly model and shape the space.
This lecture is a sharing of existing technology in studio Hou x Lin. Lin will discuss two urban design concepts: "the one that incorporates many others" and "the synchronicity of ideas". She will talk about how to visualize ideas and make them intuitive, taking two cases from studio Hou x Lin for example to test the possibility of using three-dimensional software in urban space.
JK studio Spring Lecture Series
Speaker|Wan-Jen Lin
Topic|House of Citizen: Parametric Urban design
Time|Fabuary 27, 2019 7:00PM