2019年2月23日:演講|「聽見我們的前進」-國際地標 MIT 座談會
Fabuary 23, 2019 Lecture|MIT International Landmarks
侯林設計林宛蓁老師受女建築家學會邀請,將在「聽見我們的前進-國際地標 MIT 座談會」中分享其在Mecanoo工作期間,參與高雄衛武營設計及工程執行的經驗。
以公眾發聲與討論,開展共同關注的議題,深入思考並付諸行動,這是台灣女建築家學會(WAT)2019年提出「聽見我們的前進 (Listen to Women’s March)」的主題概念,三月全策劃,從三月八日開始,每周末一場開放座談會,邀請各界參與。
第五場|國際地標 MIT 座談會
主持人|許麗玉 / 台灣女建築家學會理事長
與談人|繼光工務所 / 方尹萍 / 何嘉珍 / 林宛蓁 / 林家如
時間|2019. 3.23 週六 2PM
地點|繼光工務所 台中市繼光街55-1號
Director Wan-Jen Lin was invited by Women in Architecture Taiwan to have a talk in the symposium "Listen to Women’s March - MIT International Landmarks". She will share her experience in the design and engineering implementation of National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying).
Several important cultural facilities that have been completed in Taiwan have already got the attention of the global media. These alternative landmarks overcame Taiwan's engineering implementation restrictions, and adapted cultural differences to implement the design in an international cooperation mode. Female architects who were personally involved in these landmarks are invited for this symposium to share practical experience and the "good" working philosophy to integrate multiculturalism in an international team as a key player. This event is open to citizens, teachers and students, architecture professionals who care about the city and design, free admission and discussion.
Women in Architecture Taiwan "Listen to Women’s March" Lecture Series
To carry out issues of common concern, to think deeply and put it into action, this is the theme of "Listen to Women's March" proposed by Women in Architecture Taiwan (WAT) in 2019. The event includes an open symposium every weekend from March 8th for six weeks. We invite all walks of life to participate in.
Session 5 | International Landmark MIT Forum
Moderator | Li-Yu Hsu/ Chairman of Women in Architecture Taiwan
Discussants | JK studio/ Yin-Ping Fang / Chia-Chen He / Wan-Jen Lin / Chia-Ju Lin
Time | March 23, 2019 Saturday 2PM
Location | JK studio, No. 55-1, Jiguang St., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Organizer | Women in Architecture Taiwan
Co-organizer | JK studio, Y.M. Chen Foundation