September 07, 2019 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2019 - Cities Exhibition
由首爾市政府與首爾設計基金會共同舉辦的「首爾國際建築與城市雙年展」(SBAU 2019),將於今年9月7日到11月10日在首爾東大門廣場與敦義門藝術村展開。SBAU 2019 城市展集結了世界各地都市設計公私部門參與者,包含阿姆斯特丹都市計畫局、美國哈佛大學設計學院、美國密西根大學、日本伊東豐雄建築事務所等,參展城市跨五大洲,70個城市。
首爾城市建築雙年展2019 - 城市展
時間|2019. 9. 7 ~ 11.10
地點|敦義門博物館村 No.7-24 Sinmunro2-ga, Jongno-gu, 南韓首爾
studio HOUxLIN is honored to bring Kaohsiung with 「House of Citizens 2.0」to Seoul in the upcoming 2019 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism "Cities Exhibition". SBAU 2019 Collective City aims to create a space for communication and engagement of the public.
House of Citizens 2.0 asks can Asian emerging cities like Kaohsiung again be a subject of the collective pride and not of unrecognized banality as it seems to be now? The study of the urban morphology indicates a bottom up alternative which broaden the imagination of the city. House of Citizens 2.0 creates a platform for its citizens, bridges the general public and the professions, and makes people to be part of its city, its future.
Special thanks to friends who care about our city. Your support makes our work can be seen in Seoul.
Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2019 - Cities Exhibition
Time | September 7, 2019 ~ November 10, 2019
Location | Donuimun Museum Village, No. 7-24 Sinmunro2-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea